Sicily by train

Access Sicily by train

Sicily is accessible by train from almost every region of Italy, but the journey can be quite long and tiring and, depending on the city of departure and arrival, you may also need to change several times. It can however also be a unique experience since most trains embark directly on a ferry to Sicily. Please note that the ferry price is included in your train ticket. During the crossing of the Straits of Messina passengers can choose whether to stay in or get out of the train.

You can find direct trains to Sicily from Florence, Milan, Naples, Rome and Reggio di Calabria. The trains stop in Messina and then go on to Catania, Palermo, Marsala or other parts of the island. You can choose between Eurostar trains and Intercity trains, the difference being that Eurostar trains have fewer stops, are pricier and more punctual, and the Intercity trains stop in more cities and at lower prices. Once on Sicily there are no high-speed trains so you have to account for some extra time for transportation.

If you would like to go on a romantic journey back in time, then take a ride on one of the vintage trains that run through Circumetnea, a narrow gauge railway line (the only one on the island). The trains start in Catania, go around Etna and end in Riposto, with several stops along the foot of the volcano such as Bronte, Randazzo, Linguaglossa and Giarre. By purchasing a daily ticket you can get off at all stations along the route and take the opportunity to visit the island and admire the surrounding volcanic landscape.

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2) Please select your earliest arrival and latest departure.

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