Privacy Policy


We have great interest in protection of your personal data and want to hereby inform you about the measures we take to protect this information.

We respect the regulation of the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG), the Telemediengesetz (TMG) and all other laws and regulations concerning the protection of data, even if these laws and regulations are not mentioned in particular.

With consent to the following and by using the services of Travanto you agree that the Travanto Travel GmbH & Co. KG, Holzbrücke 7, 20459 Hamburg is entitled to collect, process and use your personal data according to the law and the following regulations.

Protected by law is individual-related data. According to § 3 Abs. 1 BDSG this means information about personal or factual relations of a determined or determinable person, such as name, address, e-mail-address, phonenumber and where appropriate usage date (IP-address, etc.).

We collect individual-related data (name, address, e-mail-adress, etc.) as far as possible on a voluntary basis. We do not transfer data to third parties without your consent.

We collect, process and use individual-related data only as far as necessary in order to fulfill our services. We will inform you at the moment we collect your data. The collected data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed, the storing is required by law and you have not consented to a longer period of storing and usage.

We have great interest in a trouble-free communication between landlords and tenants. You have the option to contact the landlord of a certain holiday home via the contact form. In order to preserve the security of your communication with the landlord, the communication is handled via Travanto servers. E-mail-addresses will be replaced by crypted versions. Your inquiry can only be read by the landlord it is addressed for. In particular cases and if there are suspicious facts for fraud or other breaches of law, Travanto personnel is entitled to inspect the communication. We hereby also reduce the possibility of so-called phishing attacks and are able to track the response-rate and time a landlord takes to answer upon an inquiry in order to provide even better service for all users.

When collected all user data is stored in a distinctive protocol. As far as possible the storage is anonymous, so that there cannot be conclusions to certain persons.

We collect: your IP-address, date and time of your access, the page you have accessed, the amount of data submitted and if your access war successful.

We collect this data only to improve our services and for statistical use. There is and will be no commercial use and permanent storage. You have the right to object the collection and storage of data at any time.

You are entitled to ask for disclosure of the collected data at anytime for no costs. You can also have the data altered and deleted as far as no legal obligations contradict. It is also possible to withdraw a given consent without giving a particular reason.

For disclosure and opposition please write (e-mail) to

Travanto Travel GmbH & Co. KG
Holzbrücke 7
20459 Hamburg

We hereby disagree with the use of any given contact information to send promotion or advertising material. We reserve the right to take legal action in the case of transmission of non-solicited advertising material e.g. as spam mail.

1. User-account/User-login

In order to use certain services (e.g. to rent out a holiday home) it is necessary to register with an user-account. There are also services where such registration is optional. The provided data will only be collected and stored internally and not be provided to third parties. Any use is related to the provision of services.

You are able to view and alter the given information if there have been changes (e.g. e-mail-address, address, bank account).

2. Google Tools

a. Google Analytics and Google Remarketing

We use Google Analytics, a web-analysis-tool provided by Google (Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA). Google Analytics uses “cookies” meaning text files which enable to analyse your use of our website. The collected information will be transferred to and stored on a Google server in the USA. If the IP-anonymization is enabled your IP-address will be shortened within the EU member states and other countries under contract of the European Economic Area.

In particular cases the complete IP-address will be submitted to Google servers and shortened there. Google will use the provided information on our behalf, to analyze the use of our website and provide further services related to web-use. The IP-address will not be related to other data.

It is possible that third-party-service-providers and Google place advertisement on our website. Cookies might be used in order to place the right advertisement.

You can prevent the use of cookies by changing the settings of your web browser. This might prevent the use of all functions. You can also prevent Google from collecting and using the data created by the use of cookies by installing the browser plugin provided under:

We use Universal Analytics a special service of Google Analytics. This enables us to track the activity on our websites over all devices (e.g. by access via desktop computer or mobile phone or tablet computer). The user will be assigned with a pseudonym User-ID. This can happen when you register for a user-account or login with you user-login. We will not submitted any individual-related data to Google. The additional functions of Universal Analytics have no impact upon data protections measures such as IP-masking, etc.

b. Google Adsense

We have implemented Advertisement by using Google Adsense. Google Adsense uses cookies as does Google Analytics and also Web Beacons, meaning invisible graphics, which enable an evaluation of the use of our websites. The collected information will be transferred and stored to a Google server in the USA. The information might be provided to Google contract partners but not connected with other data and information.

You can prevent the use of cookies by changing the settings of your browser which might have the effect, that you cannot use all services provided on our website. By using our website you consent to the described use and storage of data by Google.

3. Social Plugins

We use several plugins by social media services (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc.). Herby we offe the possibility for you to share our content with friends and family. In order to provide as much protection for your data as possible, we installed a so called 2-click-solution. All social media plugins are deactivated by default and can be activated by clicking the activation button. Only after activation data will be collected and transferred as follows. You are free to decide wether to use the services of social media plugins or not.

a. Google +1

Google+1 enables you to publish information worldwide. In addition you and other users receive personalized content from Google and our partners. Google will collect and store data such as for which content you clicked +1 and which website you viewed while clicking. This information can be published in connection with you Google-profile or elsewhere. Google stores all information about you +1-activity in order to improve Google-services for you and others. To use the +1-button you have to be registered for a public Google-profile. This profile can be viewed by other internet users knowing your e-mail-address or other identifying information about you.

In addition the transferred information will be used in accordance to Google’s privacy policy. Sometime Google publishes statistics concerning +1-activity and provides it to users and partners.

b. Facebook-Plugin (Like-Button)

We are using a Facebook-Plugin, supplied by Facebook (Facebook Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA). You can spot this plugin by recognizing the Facebook-logo or the so called Like-Button. Yopu can find a list of different Facebook-Plugins under

By visiting our website and using the Facebook-Button there will be a direct connection between you browser and the Facebook servers. Facebook hereby gathers the information, that you visited our website while assigned the transferred IP-address. By clicking the Like-Button you can connect content from our website with you Facebook-Profile if you are logged in on Facebook. Facebook can then track you visiting our website. We advise that we have no knowledge about whicht data is collected by Facebook nor for what purpose it is collected. Further information can be found in Facebook’s privacy policy:

If you do not want Facebook to be able to track your visit to our website, you should either not enable the social media plugins or log out from your Facebook account prior visiting our website and not log in while using our website.

c. Twitter

With using the imbedded function of Twitter (Twitter Inc., 1355 Market St. Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA) you are able to connect information from our website with you Twitter-Account and share it with other users. While doing so, data information is transferred directly to Twitter. We advise that we have no knowledge about whicht data is collected by Twitter nor for what purpose it is collected. Further information can be found in Twitter’s privacy policy:

You can alter the privacy settings under

d. Xing

We are also using the social-plugin provided by Xing (XING AG, Gänsemarkt 43, 20354 Hamburg). This plugin establishes a direct connection from your browser to Xing servers. The content of the plugin is directly transferred to you browser and implemented onto our website. Xing hereby gathers information about you visiting our website and is enabled to connect this visit to your Xing-Account.

Further information regarding your rights and settings can be found under

e. Pinterest

We are using the “Pin it“-Button of Pinterest (Pinterest, Inc., 808 Brannon St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA). By using this button Pinterest gathers information about you visiting our website.If you are logged into you Pinteres-Account Pinterest can connect this information to your user-profile. When clicking the “Pin it“-Button data is directly transferred to Pinterest. If you Bei einem Klick auf den „Pin it“-Button werden dabei Daten an Pinterest übermittelt, die auf dortigen Servern abgespeichert werden. If you do not want Pinterest to be able to track your visit to our website, you should either not enable the social media plugins or log out from your Pinterest-Account prior visiting our website and not log in while using our website.

Further information regarding your rights and settings can be found under

Please note that privacy policies of external services, such as Google, Facbook, Twitter, etc. are subject to change. We advise you to check back with the provided information regularly. Please be aware of legal changes and changes in the business of external service providers.

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